Aims And Objectives Of Pradnyā Maitri Pratisṭhān


  • To preach and propagate Dhamma as laid down by Tathagat Siddharth Gautam Buddha so as to make the mankind free from suffering.
  • To establish the Medi9tation Centres for the practice of Eightfold Path as taught by Lord Buddha.
  • To establish the devoted and dedicated cadres of missionaries who practice moral and righteous life for the spread of Dhamma among the people.
  • To make the people lead their daily lives as per Dhamma i.e. by practicing five moral precepts (panchasilas) and Noble Eightfold Path.
  • To organize training classes, meditation camps, workshops, symposiums, discourses etc. for the followers of Dhamma of all ages so as to imbibe in them Pradnyā, Maitri and Karuna i. e. loving kindness.


  • At present, PMP is carrying out its activities of Dhamma propagation in nearly 12 Districts of Maharashtra and 6 Districts of Uttar Pradesh.
  • Pratisṭhāns, work of Dhamma propagation has recently been initiated in the States of Karnataka and Tamilnadu.
  • To make the people lead their daily lives as per Dhamma i.e. by practicing five moral precepts (panchasilas) and Noble Eightfold Path.
  • The propagation of Dhamma is effected through the organization of various Dhamma discourses, One Day Dhamma Workshops, Workshops of Dhamma preachers and workers and Children’s Workshops.
  • The practice of Uposatha Atthasila is the most important practice in the Buddhist tradition.
  • In order to connect oneself to this glorious tradition started by Gautam Buddha, it is essential to practice Uposatha Atthasila, Buddha has explained the practice of Uposatha and fruits thereof in Uposatha Sutta and Vishakhuposatha Sutta.


  • The preachers of PMP will be the individuals who will understand by personal realization Eightfold Path of Sila, Samadhi and Panna.
  • PMP is committed to develop the preachers of Dhamma.
  • These preachers will be the practitioners of Eightfold Path and Uposatha.
  • Thus by training the Upasakas who are committed to the practice of Ariyo Atthangiko Maggo, the preachers are developed step by step.
  • Pratisṭhān has been successful to develop the chain of such Dhamma preachers in 6 Districts of Maharashtra.
  • The wok of developing Dhamma preachers in other States and remaining Districts of Maharashtra is getting accelerated.


  • PMP has started its activities under the guidance of Senior I.A.S. Officer Ayushyaman Shyam Tagade and its work is being carried out based on his Dhamma understanding.
  • The workshops of PMP have been designed by him after detailed discussion with the Dhamma preachers of PMP so that people become aware of the basic concepts of Buddha Dhamma and their many misunderstndings are eradicated.
  • Ayushyaman Shyam Tagade, based on his experience of Buddha Dhamma practice and Dhamma preaching in various workshops of PMP authored a book “Buddha Dhamma Mission of Bodhisatta Ambedkar”.
  • It is a 700 pages Book and it was completed by the Author in a period of 17 months.


  • For teaching teaching Dhamma and for the practice of Anapansati, the workshops for students are organized at various Taluka and District places.
  • The meritorious stuldents are felicitated.
  • Also competitions for testing general knowledge and Dhamma knowledge are organized at District and Taluka places.


  • Sila is most important to achieve progress in the field of education.
  • The people who practice sila can become great intellectuals, researchers and specialists in various fields.
  • Therefore, the students are instructed to practice Dhamma to achieve success in the field of education.
  • To inculcate good habits in childhood is the first step for the progress in schools and colleges. By practicing life of sila, the parents influence the conduct of their children.
  • The parents should imitate Ramji Sapkal, father of Bodhisatta Babasaheb Ambedkar while bringing up their children.
  • The practice of sila leads to good mental health and this helps to concentrate the mind for doing wholesome deeds for a long period of time.


  • To make the people aware about educational and social issues and social issues and to serve the society for its all round development, various institutions come into being.
  • If the functionaries of these institutions are Dhamma practicing individuals, they can surely serve the society without any selfish motive.
  • However, if they are egoist and selfish and if they are not Dhamma practicing individuals, institutions run by such people can not be of any good for the society.
  • To develop the institutions which will selflessly work for all round development of the society, was the main objective of Bodhisatta Babasaheb Ambedkar.
  • That is why, to establish the institutions with Dhamma as foundation and thus to work for the all-round progress of the society in every field, PMP is committed to guide various institutions.


  • If Dhamma practicing worthy people are revered and if people at large honour them, such a society is on the path of progress.
  • So told Tathagat Gautam Buddha to Vajjis of Vaishali. This is reflected in the conversation of Gautam Buddha with Vassakara.
  • In Mahamangala Sutta, Buddha has made it clear that to honour such good and knowledgeable people is one of the blessings.
  • That is why to develop the culture of honouring selfless and moral people who work tirelessly without ago and pride for the social good, is one of the priority of PMP and it is strongly committed to achieve it.