
        At Bodhgaya Siddhartha Gautama Buddha discovered Noble Eightfold Path for the removal of suffering through the complete extinction of craving in 6th Century B.C. He taught the same Dhamma to the mankind for next 45 years till his Mahaparinibbana at Kusinara in 483 B.C. King Ashoka established his empire on the foundation of Dhamma and he sent Arhant Bhikkhus to countries like Srilanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam to enlighten the world with Buddha's Dhamma.

        Bodhisattva Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar developed his indomitable leadership on the foundation of Dhamma and led the masses of India out of slavery and untouchability. On 14th October 1956 Babasaheb embraced Buddha Dhamma along with 5 lakhs of his followers at Nagpur.

        By drawing inspiration from Gautam Buddha, King Ashoka and Bodhisattva Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Dhamma practice and Dhamma propagation, Pradnya Maitri Pratisthan has resolved to establish Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Dhamma Academy, Jambudeep Vihar and Bhikkhu Training Centre, Buddhaghosh Pali Training and Research Institute and Ramai Social, Cultural and Educational Empowerment Centre on a piece of land admeasuring twelve and half acres at village Rajulwadi, Taluka Umred, District Nagpur in the Indian state of Maharashtra.

Statue of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

Dhamma Hall

Accommodations for trainees

        Bodhisattva Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Dhamma Academy is designed to impart residential Dhamma training to 1000 persons at a time. Two separate four storeyed buildings of 500 capacity each will be built for men and women. There will be a kitchen and separate dining areas for men and women in between these two buildings. Adjacent to the male and female residential areas, there will be a Pagoda with 500 cells for meditation.


Residential quarters for staff will be built at the site.

Buddhaghosh Pali Training and Research Institute

        Buddha’s Teachings are preserved in Pali Tipitaka. Therefore, for teaching of Pali language and conducting research about Pali, Buddhaghosh Pali Training and Research Institute has been planned. Regular Pali courses will be run in this Institute. This building will consist of Auditorium, Conference Rooms, Class Rooms, Teacher’s ofces and the library.

Jambudeep Vihar

        The Bhikkhu Sangha which conducts according to the Vinaya established by the Buddha can only sustain Buddha Sasana. Jambudeep Vihar and Bhikkhu Training Centre will be established to achieve this objective. Initially there will be residential quarters for 100 Bhikkhus with adjoining Uposatha Hall.

Ramai Social, Cultural and Educational Empowerment Center

Ramai Social, Cultural and Educational Empowerment Center

        To achieve Social, Cultural, Educational and Financial progress coupled with progress in Dhamma, Ramai Social, Cultural and Educational Empowerment Centre will be established in memory of Ramabai Ambedkar. This centre will consist of Conference Rooms, Class Rooms and ofces.


Education : B.Sc

Occupation : Deputy Director Account and treasury Nagpur - Retired

Social Work/ Religious Work : Dhamma Preaching


Education :MA-Ambedkar Thought, Budhhist Study, Pali

Occupation : Irrigation Department - Retired

Social Work/ Religious Work : Dhamma Preaching


Education :B.A

Occupation : MSRTC, Corpation Yeotmal -Retired

Social Work/ Religious Work : Dhamma Preaching


Education :MA, B.Ed

Occupation : NMC Retired

Social Work/ Religious Work :Dhamma Sevak at Dhammasugati Vipassana Meditation Centre, Nagpur


Education :MA- Sociology, Marathi, Econimics, Political Science, MSW, B.ed, BMC,DSM, Phd, NET

Occupation : Lecturer in Ramabai Ambedkar College Saoli, Gadchiroli

Social Work/ Religious Work :Dhamma Preaching